Author Archive | Valerie Garrett

Great Men – Leading the Adoption Charge

My husband’s passion is ministering to young men without strong father influences in their lives.  I recently asked him if he felt like there were enough men leading the charge to care for orphans and to adopt children in need of families.  He said no; as we attend adoption related events, there are often more […]

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Book Review – Until We All Come Home

“It was compassion that opened our hearts to adoption and it was love that made us stay, but it was God who brought us home.” – Kim de Blecourt Each adoption story has its own challenges and joys, perhaps none more so than Until We All Come Home, uniquely wrought with stark and racking experiences […]

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Ministry Highlight – Food For Orphans

As you all know, I’ve been working on the book launch for my dear friend Kim de Blecourt‘s soon to be released book entitled Until We All Come Home.  Kim’s book is captivating.  There’s been talk of a film.  She could become a wealthy woman.  Instead, let me share what she’s doing with all the […]

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For Me, Home Is…One More Video

This time for the video contest, which is part of the launch of Kim de Blecourt‘s Until We All Come Home, the video is of my husband.  I couldn’t do most of what I do without him.  He loves his God and loves his family, and is faithful and devoted to both.  I don’t ever […]

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For Me, Home Is…Two More Sweet Videos

This first video for the video contest to with the Kindle, as part of Kim de Blecourt‘s launch of the upcoming Until We All Come Home, is of my dear mother.  She raised us ensuring that home was a place of safety.  Even in the midst of normal sibling arguments, she would say, “Hey, this […]

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A Contest!

As part of the launch for Until We All Come Home, a little video contest is running.  This is going to be fun and the prize is a Kindle!  Here’s what you need to do: Use your webcam to create a video telling what home means to you.  Your script is: “Hi. I’m _______________ and […]

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A Reason To Write

I’ve recently acquired and read a pre-release copy of a forthcoming book.  Until We All Come Home will be released November 6, two days after Orphan Sunday.  It’s an exceptional read; I’ll be posting a review soon, but in the meatime you can hear from the author herself.  Kim de Blecourt’s full post entitled “Why […]

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