I’m a little behind on my posts! Web migration and life collided…I’ll do my best to stay on track. I think I’ve shared that my son is in the first grade. He attends a rather small school. We like that. We love it that his class is small. In fact, it began with only twelve […]
Tag Archives | family
Day Thirteen – Halfway Around The World
Tonight, there are two ladies that I know on an airplane over the Atlantic Ocean. They are traveling to west Africa to train adoption workers there. Efforts toward family preservation and positive adoption work have been increasing in countries like Ethiopia and Uganda. This exceptional duo has done this trip previously. This time the workers […]

Day Twelve – Strong Families
I have something a little different for you today. I’m amazed at how many of the last eleven posts weren’t part of my original slate of posts. Things are coming to my attention here and there that either I didn’t know about or hadn’t considered. I suppose that happens when you’re actually looking for God. […]

Day Ten – Just Praise
I must admit that I’m weary today. I hope you all don’t feel like this post is a cop-out. I don’t have a new story for you today. I do, however, have things to share about God’s work. I’m weary because I’ve been against client deadlines this last couple of weeks and the schedule has […]

Day Seven – Set My Feet On A Wide Place
Read all the way through this one – it includes a giveaway at the end! Imagine this: a couple goes to a faraway land; they don’t speak the language or fully understand the culture. They are lied to and the woman is accosted. This isn’t the adoption experience you might dream of, is it? Several […]

Day Three – Joy for Mourning
Please note that names have been changed and some details made ambiguous in this post for the protection of the children involved. We’ve often said that we don’t make families; God makes families. He brings people together, chooses their children (whether he knits them together in a bio family, or knits them in their birth […]

A Contest!
As part of the launch for Until We All Come Home, a little video contest is running. This is going to be fun and the prize is a Kindle! Here’s what you need to do: Use your webcam to create a video telling what home means to you. Your script is: “Hi. I’m _______________ and […]
A Reason To Write
I’ve recently acquired and read a pre-release copy of a forthcoming book. Until We All Come Home will be released November 6, two days after Orphan Sunday. It’s an exceptional read; I’ll be posting a review soon, but in the meatime you can hear from the author herself. Kim de Blecourt’s full post entitled “Why […]

The Beauty of A New Identity
The sheer number of orphans worldwide is staggering…heartbreaking…and overwhelming. But you know what? Behind the number is a multitude of faces of real children. And beyond the numbers, there is a beautiful thing. An orphan who is adopted into a forever family becomes a son or a daughter, no longer an orphan. A simple change […]