Day Fourteen – One by One

I’m a little behind on my posts!  Web migration and life collided…I’ll do my best to stay on track. 

I think I’ve shared that my son is in the first grade. He attends a rather small school. We like that. We love it that his class is small. In fact, it began with only twelve children. Throughout the school year it has grown to fifteen. Two of the three additions to the classroom have been added because of adoption. Of the original twelve children, three of them are adopted. That means that in a class of fifteen fully one third of the children came to their families through adoption. It didn’t occur to me in that way until this last precious addition to the group.

One by one, children are being added to families and drawn into the wider school community, being embraced and loved. What’s just as great is that the other children are learning that adoption is “normal”, and that the parents of these children are “real parents” and that different colors are just the way we all are.   This is God at work.

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