For Me, Home Is…Two More Sweet Videos

This first video for the video contest to with the Kindle, as part of Kim de Blecourt‘s launch of the upcoming Until We All Come Home, is of my dear mother.  She raised us ensuring that home was a place of safety.  Even in the midst of normal sibling arguments, she would say, “Hey, this is your sister’s home, too, and it will be a safe place for her as well as for you.”  We weren’t allowed to call one another names, to shamelessly tease one another or to be cruel to one another in any fashion.  Yes, we teased and had “normal” sibling interaction.  However, we were never allowed to to be truly unkind to one another.  Here’s my sweet mama, sharing what home is to her:

This next video is my Dad.  He’s currently awaiting an organ transplant and would not be alive today without the continual help of his family and his church family.  My mother, us kids and our spouses, and even my little son look in on him frequently and tend to him often to be sure that he’s staying as well as possible in preparation for getting on the transplant list.  And now, my Dad, as he awaits a life saving organ transplant shares what home is to him:

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