Day Thirty-five – Personal Ministry

A few weeks ago I was able to speak on a panel discussion about transracial adoption and being a multi-ethnic family.  I love doing this.  I walk away from these kinds of speaking engagements every time feeling like I’ve responded to my calling.  At one point as we spoke, a man in the front row had tears in his eyes.  Making people cry is not my goal.  Something that I and my cohort on the panel was saying, though, was striking a chord.  Our goal is to encourage and inspire…and to make the path a bit easier to navigate for those coming behind us.  I got to do that in a very personal way at the end of the session.  

One of the people on the panel has a Life In Color life book for her son and she loves it.  She graciously made mention of it at the end of our session which left me happily standing at the panel table with our demo book talking to some of the people who were there listening to us.  The last couple came up and shared that they had struggled a bit with some of the responses they’ve received about their adoption from a few folks in their family and church.  This is very common.  Often our greatest challenges in adoption in terms of interpersonal interaction come from those we don’t expect it to come from – family and church.  I spent the next (almost) two hours ministering to this couple as they shared their challenges and joys.  I gave them resources, shared our own experience, encouraged them toward biblical responses, and prayed with them.  

I walked away so very blessed.  This is what I was born to do.  Speak; write; inspire; encourage…all for adoption, orphan care, family support and child welfare.  This morning I wrote a quick note of thanks to my friend and child welfare worker who asked me to be on the panel.  It occurs to me that often we view orphan ministry as a big thing…’official’ ministry; there are some great folks doing excellent work on this front within larger registered ministries.  God moves individuals through that, though, does He not?  That day, I was most assuredly on ‘official’ business for the Lord; He had an appointment for me.  God was at work, and it was a privilege to be his tool. 

Can I help encouage you on your journey?  Let’s connect.  You can leave a comment here, you can send a tweet, or you can connect with us on Facebook.  You can even follow us on LinkedIn.  We will respond; I will answer phone calls.  At Life In Color, this is what we live for.  Blessings on your journey as you see God at work. 

 Dramatic dark clouds over bright sunny sky

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