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Baby’s First Illness at Home

About six weeks ago the lack of sleep finally caught up with me and I became sick. Then Matthew…then Jude. That’s just how it goes sometimes in a household – especially when it’s cold outside so all the pathogens are trapped in with us because the windows are all closed up tight!For about three days […]

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Speaking Judanese

Many people have asked us if Jude understands English. There’s not much, actually, that he doesn’t understand in any language, as he reads body language and vocal inflection very well. He tries new words every day. We speak mostly English at home, but I also try to speak as much French as I can remember […]

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Tuesday Evening…Without Jude

We must tell you that in light of that last post, the only thing great for us about being without Jude on the occasional Tuesday night is the sleeping. In fact, we sleep so hard on those nights that we have to set three alarms because we both sleep through the first two. Oh, and there’s no […]

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Thank God for Little Boys

We recently received an email note with a link to the following blog post:, posted by a case worker we know, about boys. Because the overwhelming majority of people adopting want girls, there are many cases in which boys are considered to have a “special need” just because they are boys. The post is worth […]

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Wonderful days. What nights?

What nights? Well, I say that because nights are for sleeping and we just don’t do that. Some people roll their eyes at us as thought we naive new parents don’t have a clue. While there are many things about which we indeed do not have a clue, what they don’t realize is that our […]

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Surprising Papa

For the first time since Jude’s been home, I took the day away to do some shopping with my sister and mom. On January 12th, we went to Birch Run searching for deals. Jude stayed with Grandpa Garrett during the day and his papa in the evening. He surprised Matthew when they were getting ready […]

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“How are things going with baby?”

A few weeks ago a friend asked me how things were going with baby, and I realized it’s far past time to update our blog! Here is what I told him: First of all, everyone talks about the “terrible two” year. Well, we’re still waiting for the “terrible” part. Jude understands what no means, and maybe […]

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Here’s To My Great Men…

I am so fortunate to have several precious men in my life. This Christmas Matthew and Jude and I had some much-needed reclusive hibernation at home. It was so nice to be home…just the three of us…for a few days. One day, papa (Matthew) decided to occupy Jude so that I could do some sewing […]

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Each night when we go to bed, we take a few minutes to look at Jude as he sleeps and consider how blessed we are. I’ve been told all parents do this. I don’t really know. All I can tell you is that we do it, no matter how exhausted we are. Anyhow, when we […]

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