Author Archive | Valerie Garrett

Day Five – The Blessing of Community

I know there are some who don’t believe in “God things”. I myself am reluctant to over-spiritualize too much. However, as I look throughout our adoption journey, I can see God’s work in providing us with a support system and community that has become a treasure to us. The first that comes to mind is […]

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Day Four – In the Heartbeat of One

This post is a little shorter than the previous three. One of the ways I see God working most on behalf of the orphan is by moving others to adopt. In the last few months we’ve heard about three different families prompted by the Lord to adopt. Two of those families are actively pursuing an […]

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Day Three – Joy for Mourning

Please note that names have been changed and some details made ambiguous in this post for the protection of the children involved. We’ve often said that we don’t make families; God makes families. He brings people together, chooses their children (whether he knits them together in a bio family, or knits them in their birth […]

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Day Two – In the Hearts of Our Little Ones

Parenting is a big job. There are so many things that we hope on for our children. We hope they’ll learn to play well with others. We hope they’ll learn respect for authority. We hope they’ll learn to think, use logic, and do right. And we dive, full bore, into teaching these things. For us […]

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Book Review – Until We All Come Home

“It was compassion that opened our hearts to adoption and it was love that made us stay, but it was God who brought us home.” – Kim de Blecourt Each adoption story has its own challenges and joys, perhaps none more so than Until We All Come Home, uniquely wrought with stark and racking experiences […]

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Great Men – Leading the Adoption Charge

My husband’s passion is ministering to young men without strong father influences in their lives.  I recently asked him if he felt like there were enough men leading the charge to care for orphans and to adopt children in need of families.  He said no; as we attend adoption related events, there are often more […]

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Impressed. Creative. Fun.

“I was excited to hear that an adoption-friendly lifebook was coming out as there was definitely a need for it in the adoption community. And when I had the opportunity to look over the finished product, I was impressed. This lifebook is filled with creative images and fun pages to help adoptive families tell their […]

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Functional, Creative, Unique

“This Life Book is not only functional and creative, but it provides amazing setting to create a unique lifebook for your child. The creator’s passion for adoption and the need to share a child’s individual story is apparent in this product. I highly recommend this product to all adoptive families.” Sarah Zuidema LMSW, Adoption Supervisor

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Orphan Sunday Event!

You’ve seen the posts in the past couple of months referencing Orphan Sunday and encouraging folks to get involved.  I’m excited to tell you that I’ll be speaking at an Orphan Sunday event on November 4 in Holland, MI.  If you’re local to Holland, please think about joining us!  Ridge Point Community Church is host […]

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