Author Archive | Valerie Garrett

Story Keepers Talk and Empower

Being the Story Keeper – Part 2 – Present

In Part 1 of Being the Story Keeper we talked about our responsibility as parents to bear and share the stories of our children with them in a way that is truthful, redemptive, and healing. Let’s switch gears now and talk about what it means to be our children’s Story Keeper in the present; now […]

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Being the Story Keeper – Part 1 – History

Being the Story Keeper – Part 1 – History I remember as a child being a little fascinated with my baby book. Perhaps some of you remember looking at yours as well. In an analog world, it was a treasure trove of the things I couldn’t remember, and a view into my parents’ lives and […]

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Mother’s Day, In Retrospect

Strange. This year as Mother’s Day approached, I noticed things coming across my feeds that were disturbing. There were so many moms being “very convicted” by blog posts about things like “how not to be disappointed this Mother’s Day”. What? I saw post after post about entitlement, ungrateful children, indifferent husbands…from writers who were “graciously […]

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Earning my Patina

Patina. It’s beautiful, but it isn’t instant. It develops over time, with age. You have to wait for it. It’s coveted by some architects, designers, and artists. And every patina is unique…a pattern all its own created by sun and weather and time…the gentle and the harsh of all of it. And what does this […]

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The Trouble with Facebook

My husband and I are raising a digital native. It’s been said, and rightly so, that ours is the first generation of parents that will have to impress upon its children the critical nature of what they put online: that it doesn’t go away, it can be dangerous, and privacy is often only perceived rather […]

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Day Thirty-five – Personal Ministry

A few weeks ago I was able to speak on a panel discussion about transracial adoption and being a multi-ethnic family.  I love doing this.  I walk away from these kinds of speaking engagements every time feeling like I’ve responded to my calling.  At one point as we spoke, a man in the front row […]

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Day Thirty-three – Summit 9

Many of you already know about The Christian Alliance for Orphans.  Annually, CAFO holds Summit, a conference for those who are or who want to be involved in orphan care of any stipe…adoption, foster care, orphan care, sponsorship…the list goes on.  I’ve talked about CAFO in the past.  However, as I’ve followed the registration and […]

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Day Thirty-two: Project 1.27

Oh goodness!  The last many weeks have been a bit of a whirlwind for our family, thus my absence on the blog.  In my determination to finish the 40-day challenge, I offer up the following… Let me be clear: I am not generally a fan of the 700 Club.  I often find myself incensed at […]

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