It came to our attention that when we originally posted this and the related giveaway, our blog commenting tool wasn’t working. That has been fixed. We are re-opening the giveaway! If you would like a copy of Kim de Blecourt’s book Until We All Come Home, please comment here and on our Facebook page, per […]
Tag Archives | international adoption
Day Seventeen – Riches Untold
Each morning when I take my son to school I walk him to his locker and help him get his backpack put away, get his coat off, and get into the classroom. This is after a 40 minute drive (yes, we have quite the commute) that always begins with prayer together and then proceeds with […]

Day Sixteen – Broken Hearts Mobilized
As part of the adoption community I am privileged to know five people who make their full time living working on behalf of children. You can call them social workers, child welfare workers…it doesn’t matter. You get the point. These remarkable women see the best and worst of the orphan and adoption world and work […]
Day Thirteen – Halfway Around The World
Tonight, there are two ladies that I know on an airplane over the Atlantic Ocean. They are traveling to west Africa to train adoption workers there. Efforts toward family preservation and positive adoption work have been increasing in countries like Ethiopia and Uganda. This exceptional duo has done this trip previously. This time the workers […]

Day Eight – God’s Littlest Angels
I’ve highlighted God’s Littlest Angels Haitian baby ministry in the past. However, it has come to mind in regard to this blog challenge because of something I continually see happening there: sponsorship. Tom Vanderwell serves on the board for GLA. Here are some of his recent posts: “Dayana has another sponsor! Thank you for supporting […]

Self-Righteous Humanitarianism? I Think Not
I recently commented on a question posted online. The question was, “What are you doing to spread the word about the orphan crisis?” It was a contest. The winner would receive a t-shirt meant to help bring awareness to the orphan crisis. That’s not why I commented. My husband is the shop manager of a […]