Day Twenty-two: God at Work Through Film

I’ve said several times that God is moving through the church to draw orphans into families and to defend the fatherless. Something I’ve noticed recently is an increasing number of films that highlight the plight of the orphan. Jedd Medefind says it well in his blog post on the CAFO website entitled Art Imitates Life, and Vice Versa. If you want to share the vision for adoption and orphan care, plan to see one of these films but don’t do it as a date night with your spouse. Invite another couple that you know perhaps has been considering adoption, or may be open to it. Invite someone who you have heard objections from in the past. Just take someone with you so that others begin to understand your heart and the reason for it. I believe these films are God at work. They are produced by people with His heart for the orphan, and can be used as tools to stretch the vision further. A movement? I don’t think so. God at work, awakening the church to His heart and vision, and prompting it to obey? Definitely. 


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