A Calling


My family and I recently took a ten-day vacation.  Sounds glamourous to some, I’m sure…but it’s not (or at least hasn’t been) a regular thing.  In fact, it was the first vacation we had taken in over five years.  We learned a few things, one of which is that it isn’t wise to wait so long before taking a bit of time away!

We came back feeling like we’d been working along and completely lost sight of what we really wanted from life…what we are really here for.  We were so caught up in the fray that we were hardly breathing…and certainly not with purpose.  Dear readers, that lifestyle isn’t good for us or for our children.  It takes a toll on our health and it teaches our little ones lessons we don’t want them to learn – namely, to do just what we are doing. 

We re-evaluated our lives.  It’s time to pursue some of the things we love…the things that energize us.  When we have an opportunity to speak on an adoption panel, I am so energized at the end of it that I can hardly stand myself!  To that end, we have plans to be at two adoption related conferences over the next year, plans to revive the blog with more frequent posts, and I have become involved with Orphan Sunday as a regional coordinator.  In addition, I’m very excited to be working on a book that I hope to have completed within the next six months. 

This is all contributing to the path of working and speaking on behalf of adoption and orphan care with increasing frequency.  If you are planning an event related to adoption and would like a speaker, please think of me!  As you know, I’m a passionate advocate for adoption.  I am also very passionate about soul care for the adoptive family, and love to talk about practical ways the church can carry this out. 

I once recall my pastor saying that when you are called to something, you know it because you cannot do anything else and still feel in God’s will.  Orphan care and adoption advocacy is the thing that I “can’t not do”. 

Coming home from vacation to a life we simply aren’t enjoying is good reason to do some evaluation.  After all, God intends abundance for us (John 10:10)!  We’re often best at what we love, as well, and life is just too short not to pursue it.  So plan, execute with purpose, rest, retreat, evaluate, and pursue what you love the most.  If it has anything to do with adoption or orphan care, call me – I’d love to chat with a kindred spirit.  Join me.  The sky is the limit, and it’s a beautiful day. 

Oh…and you might want to take some time to get that life book done, too!  😉

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